Friday, November 30, 2007

Having Blog Photo Issues, Are We? NUTS!

Whenever I visit a blog and try to make a photo bigger, a dialog box opened and asked if I want to save, open or cancel the photo image. This was only happening for the last few days with some blogs, then it started with mine this afternoon. So I went looking for help and found this listed under current issues. Hopefully, they fix it soon. It is driving me batty.

Clicking on image uploaded through the post editor will show a file download box instead of showing the full-size image in the browser. We are currently working to fix this issue. In the meantime, a workaround is to make two changes to the first URL in the image tag:

1. Replace "-R" with "-h".
2. Replace the image location folder (preceding something like "s1600-R") with the folder in the second URL.

For a detailed example, go to this web page
ETA-Google Reader is messed up too but not seeing why on the lists.

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