Monday, July 23, 2007

Feeding Your Inbox

Many of you have signed up to receive the updates on my blog and I thank you for that. But how many of you actually are getting the feeds? I have a bunch of emails listed in my account that are unverified which means you did not click on the email Feedburner sent you to activate the feed.

At the end of the month I am going to delete those emails that have not activated as the clickable email Feedburner sent is probably long gone from your inbox. If you want to get updates when I post them, please go to the box on the right and sign up and then click the email you will receive to complete the cycle. I cannot resend it to you, you have to do it yourself.

You will not be spammed or receive anything but my blog updates. If you are using another feed, I understand that. Or many of you are using Readers. I just hope that those who do want to get the updates and aren't, will see this and resubscribe.

Off to bed for some much needed reading time!

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Thank you for stopping by and sitting a spell with me and mine. I hope you take away a smile!