Sunday, June 08, 2008


What were you doing thirty years ago?

1978 and we had almost finished building the house we live in now. We moved into the house in early August after spending several months in an apartment (we had sold our old house way too fast I guess).

What were you doing twenty years ago?

1988-my daughter was graduating junior high and off to high school. I was in training for a marathon that never happened and in the early stages of Fibro (I thought it was a bad flu).

What were you doing ten years ago?

1998 I was very ill and I have a hard time remembering a lot of the details because of a bad seizure but some have come back to me. I did the Crim with Karen Bentley and our kids-Karen was very ill, too. We were crazy but I treasure that day.

What were you doing five years ago?

2003 Nothing much different than usual. I moved my herb garden to the present spot and spent the summer adding new plants like my first lilacs. It wasn't a biggie that year. I still had Clancey and Fletch and Alex-all gone now.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

2007 and I had just seen my son get married in late April. My daughter had just moved for the umpteenth time and I gave up my addiction-to Superman comic books!

Name your five favorite snacks.

1. peanut butter from the jar
2.pretzels and peanuts mixed together
3.saltines with peanut butter
4.peanuts from the jar
5. peanut butter girl scout cookies

Name five things you would do if you were a millionaire.

1. Move somewhere warm
2. Plant all my favorite flowers that I can't grow here in Michigan
3. Get the car of my dreams-a 100% all electric non-polluter
4. Hire a personal trainer twice a week
5. Set up a non-profit like I always have wanted to send kids to Space Camp.

Name five things you would never wear again.

1. A thong-horrible butt/rubber band thing-nasty.
2.An under wire bra-I feel so "wired" shut-let them flow freely.
3.Open toed shoes-I have nasty looking toes from running.
4.Bikini-scars will do that and three kids!
5.An Easter bonnet-I hated them as a kid and I look like a dork now.

Name your five favorite toys

1. My talking Jar Jar Binks puppet
2. All my Sims and Sims 2 cd-roms and updates
3. My electric screwdriver with changeable heads
4. My running shoes
5. My food processors-the big one and the prep one.

1 comment:

Thank you for stopping by and sitting a spell with me and mine. I hope you take away a smile!