Thursday, May 13, 2010

Candi from Heaven

ETA (May 17) -this blog candi is now decided and I won! I get the goodie Candi #3. Thank you Jen.

My friend Jen over in paradise (otherwise known as Hawaii) is celebrating 250,000 hits on her blog. She does incredible paper crafting and if you haven't been to her BLOG , why not? Jen is giving away 5 different goodie bags of Candi but you have to work for them. Each photo below will be my entry. Wanna play? Go to THIS post and then you will find the others . Don't delay, as the contest is over tomorrow.

ENTRY 1 Something pink in my desk area. This one is tough because I hate pink anything. My first house was pink and it was the house from Hades. But that is a story for another day. This pink (actually it's more fuchsia, right?) book is something I have had for about 20 years. Inside it are pages and pages of restaurants I have been to along with a wish list of the ones I still want to go to. If the place is closed, I cross it off. Other wise, it lists the address, times of operation, type of food and my rating of the experience.

Entry 2 Something Round is the dogs' water dish on the deck. We basically had a monsoon today (and it was a cold one at that-the heat is on in the house) so the dish is filled with bugs and propeller thingies off the maple tree. The dogs refused to go out so it wasn't as gross as you think. They will get fresh in the morning.

Number 3 is something I ate. Sofa boy was out with his scouters at a pot luck, and I decided to make a pot of soup. I wanted veggie soup but threw in stuff from the freezer as I came across it. After I took this photo, I added some wild rice. My kitchen is trashed, but I have tons of stuff frozen for when I am too lazy to cook. Nothing died in the making of this soup unless the garlic kicks the heartburn in later.

Number 4 is a plant. This plant is special to me because it was made from a cutting off the spray that covered my dad's casket 15 years ago. Every few years I make more cuttings and give them away. I need to re-pot this soon as it's a bit droopy and probably root-bound a bit. I keep this hanging over my kitchen sink but we are getting new cabinets soon so I need to rethink where it will get its sun and moisture. I did stick some pinwheels in the pot a few weeks ago to perk up my mood a bit. Dollar stores rock!

Number 5 is dirty socks. Sorry, I didn't put shoes on today, I had no socks either. I wasn't gonna leave the house so I didn't even bother to brush my hair! Who would notice? The dogs??? Anyways, I give you hubby's socks but he wears dark ones, so the dirt won't show. Stink is another story, ha!

So get thee to Jen's blog before noon Hawaii time. I don't know what that time is, but I think it's like Mexican time. Right, Gloria? I know Shanghai time tho, for what it's worth. I never undid my clocks from when hubby was there. Maybe he should take his dirty socks back to China??

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